Conversation assigned

When a conversation is first assigned you will receive conversation.assigned event

Request example

    "event": "conversation.assigned",
    "id": "30837b84-b007-46dd-943a-092513f69cd8",
    "account": 1,
    "app": 1,
    "assigned_at": 1652968658,
    "deliveryAttempts": 1,
    "firstDeliveryAttempt": 1652968658,
    "data": {
        "id": 1,
        "snoozedUntil": null,
        "messageWindowExpiresAt": null,
        "messageWindowExpiryConditions": [],
        "channelType": "TELEGRAM",
        "state": "OPENED",
        "lastReadByAppUserAt": 1652094016,
        "lastInboundMessageAt": 1652784981,
        "assignedAt": 1652783952,
        "channel": {
            "id": 1
        "participants": [
                "user": {
                    "id": 1,
                    "__typename": "ChannelUser",
                    "name": null,
                    "firstName": "Ahmed",
                    "lastName": "Abbas",
                    "identifiers": [
                            "sourceId": "1765698763",
                            "category": "TELEGRAM_ID"
                    "displayName": "Ahmed Abbas",
                    "avatarUrl": null,
                    "optimisedAvatarUrl": null
                "user": {
                    "id": 1,
                    "__typename": "AppUser",
                    "fullName": null,
                    "displayName": null,
                    "optimisedAvatarUrl": null

Request data breakdown

eventconversation.assignedstringname of the event
id30837b84-b007-46dd-943a-092513f69cd8stringid of the event
account1Integerid of the account
app1Integerid of the app
assigned_at1652968658Integertimestamp of the creation date
deliveryAttempts1IntegerNumber of times we tried to deliver the event
firstDeliveryAttempt1652968658Integertimestamp of the first time we tried to deliver the event
dataConversation ObjectConversationdata of the object